- God Made Me
- God Loves Me
- Jesus Wants To Be My Friend Forever
- I need to make wise choices
- I can trust God no matter what
- I should treat others the way I want to be treated
* 7th and 8th grades meet in the Friendship Building
* 9th thru 12th grades meet in the Friendship Building

* Youth meet in the Friendship Building

[Class meets in Room 1 of the Administration Building].
Class Facilitator: Ray Davis, Carolyn Pittman
[Class meets in Room 202 of the Education Building]
Contact Coordinator: Becky Brown and rotating study leaders
[Class meets in Room 3 of the Administration Building]
Contact Coordinator: Debbie Calkins, Ellyn Couvillion
[Class meets in Room 2 of the Administration Bldg.
Class Facilitator: Georgia and David Ford
[Class meets in Room 4 of the Administration Bldg.
Class Facilitator: Georgina Ford
• Brown Bag Bible Study || -click for details-

The men of St. Andrews were honored to receive this plaque and thank God for providing opportunities for us to be His hands and feet.

Front, Left to Right: Charles Schoonmaker (St. Andrews UMM President) and Ken Musick (St. Andrews UMM Treasurer). Back, Left to Right: Harold Choate and Ray Davis

The men of St. Andrews have enjoyed sharing our Tuesday morning breakfast with relief teams from around the country that have come to Baton Rouge to help in relief effort. May God bless each of them!
Call Ray Davis [225-281-6053] for more info.

Call Ray Davis [225-281-6058] for more info.

Imagine the parking lot of an old FastTrac hamburger stand that has been converted to a “parking Church” near downtown Baton Rouge! Add one large wooden cross, two smaller ones, a bunch of palm branches, a blue rug, some benches and a man filled with the Holy Spirit and you have a Church. There are no hymnals, no altar or the other things we often associate with church; however, there is an obvious love of God and the sincere desire to worship Him. Pastor Joseph Moore lets the Holy Spirit lead and everyone is assured that Jesus loves them no matter where they lay their head to sleep. Many homeless from the community (often attended by more than 150 men, women and children) are touched each week, lives are changed. God is at work in the community. As Pastor Moore would say “Don’t make me do it by myself, let’s hear an AMEN!”

benefit women and children. There are social and fellowship opportunities as well.
This group is open to all women. No membership or fees required. Monthly meetings are on different days and times so that everyone has an opportunity to participate. Information about each meeting will be in church emails and bulletin.

For more info (or to be added to the group email), contact Christa Wilborn (225-937-1391)